Saints football that is! We are a silly family in deed. We got all dressed up in our jerseys and headed to Poppa and Mimi's house to watch the preseason game. Poppa had his jersey on too! We are ready for a little football. Here we are all decked out. All but No-ee. His jersey is on it's way. But we did let him borrow Meredith's that Ian's mom and dad made for her when she was 9 months old. See Jeff & Caryn your jersey is still going strong!

My little "saints"!

Meredith sporting the jersey in January of 2007

Ian and Meredith watching as the Saint's lost in the playoffs.....darn it and we were going to the super bowl!
so glad that Noah gets to wear the jersey. I'm not sure if Ty can fit into Ian's....
Uh hum. GO CHARGERS!!!!! :p
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