Oh my friend Cinderella is here, she will be by you table later on while you are eating lunch.
Oh my friend Cinderella is in the next room, she should be by soon.
Sure my friend Cinderella is in the other room and will be by shortly.
Oh hi princess, look we have the same dress on, I love your dress.
Yes, Cin-a-wella is coming by shortly.
Yes my friend Cinderella will be by in a minute.
Hi princess, my friend Ariel is back at her grotto.
Momma, les go see Ariel at da grotto.
Hi Ariel, I am going to Cin-a-wella's castle to have lunch!
You are, well tell her I said hello!

Yes that is my little princess for you. I swear that is exactly what happened, although the princess lines were just similar as I couldn't remember exactly what was said! That's right Meredith, blow the internets a kiss!
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