I am in full denial that tomorrow my baby, my newborn, the one I was just pregnant with will be one! Yes he will have been here a full year tomorrow and I am in denial. Where has the time gone? I can still remember what it felt like to be pregnant with him, has it really been a year? Was I asleep for most of the last year? Oh yeah, I was just in that new mommy fog. However my fog was pretty heavy because I had not one, but two babies when I brought him home. Yes as much as I thought, my first baby was a big girl, she was just a baby. Two babies, no wonder this year has flown, how did I manage, how did I get by, how am I still getting by? While things have gotten easier and I can manage to get a shower before noon, I will say being the mom of two is not always a walk in the park. However it is easier now. And it is the most awesome thing in the world. Noah you are my biggest crush, my absolute sweetheart, my
momma's boy. You have taught me how to grow a whole new heart and love someone with all of it. I love you little man!

Happy Birthday Little Man!!!
Mandi, I only hope that I can handle 2 as gracefully as you have made it seem!
Happy birthday Noah!!
Love the picture of him and Brownie - too sweet.
I feel your pain. Frances is going to be 14 months on Saturday. FOURTEEN months! I mean realy - did I blink?
And a being a mom of two is the best job in the world. So fun!
I can't believe it! The year has gone so fast. Happy Birthday buddy-many more to come:)
Congratulations, Noah! You're on your way to being a "big" boy!
Love the new header, Mandi!
Happy Birthday Noah! I love your new header picture too.
Thanks ladies for the birthday wishes. My new headed was from our trip to the zoo last weekend. It was so much fun, that picture says it all to me - I love it too!
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