Monday, January 12, 2009

First day on the job

On the weekends, Josh frequently goes into the hospital to round, even when he isn't on call. Talk about a full time job. This weekend, he had no patients in the ICU and none that had any icky germs that he knew of to spread onto my tike, so she went with him to round. It was her first day at "wurk". She couldn't wait to go to work with her daddy, she was so excited and I think he was extremely proud as well. She even brought her doctor kit along with her. Here she is showing off her scrubs.

And this is so no one mistakes her as a nurse, she was very adamant about being Dr. Meredith. My baby girl is getting so big! I want to just hold her and rock her and keep her a baby for a few more years. She truly is a first ambitious, so ready to go, so ready to soar.

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