1.) finger paint
2 .) play with playdoh
My mom will tell you that she never allowed playdoh in the house and I don't think we ever finger painted either! It was too messy! So these are two things, that I couldn't wait to do with Meredith and eventually Noah!!! We tried finger painting out the other day. We went outside, sat at the little tikes table, laid out 3 huge sheets neatly covering the entire table and then squirted 4 paints in neat little dots on the sheet. I was thinking this is going to be great, a little paint on the fingers, a little paint on the pictures it will be just fine. Until.....the paint was on her hands and then she rubbed her eye, and then she brushed her hair out of her face, and then she moved to the other side the table touching..... the seat of the table where she then but her little tush, my leg, my chair, the camera on her way, then rubbed her belly and much more! (did I mention her hands were covered in paint). She then looked at me and sweetly said "more peeze" so I obliged and put several huge globs of red, blue yellow and green paint. At this point I thought.....there is no turning back! It was everywhere. But the memory is priceless and you know what.... it washed right off.
And today she got her first set of playdoh from her Old Paw! We may try that out this weekend!
Sometimes the mess is worth it, just look at this face & these masterpieces!.jpg)
Edited to add: my mom corrected me we finger painted plenty, but no she never allowed play-doh and yes we were very creative. I have lots of great memories that I WILL continue with my children!
Great job fingerpainting, Meredith! That looks like a lot of fun!
They can always be washed off. Dirt is just a sign of a good time. That's Adalyn's mantra anyways.
You must have had a mean mom!!! We did finger paint only we used vanilla & chocolate pudding, we also used buckets of water and big paint brishes and painted the house!!!!!!!!!! We had lots of creative times!!!!!!!!!!!!
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