Meredith was always dainty as a baby, very cautious and very high maintenance. She wanted to be held and rocked only by her mommy. She did not want to go to other people at all and would cry when she did. She was not a messy eater and would rather be entertained by her mommy than play with toys.
Noah is the complete opposite. His motor skills are crazy good. He is so rough and tumble already with his toys, nothing like his dainty big sis. He will go to anyone and always has a smile on his face. He loves to grab and hold anything, he goes after all his toys with his mouth open wide and attacks. Anytime he eats he makes a huge mess, it is so unavoidable. I now know why they make bibs!
I'm sure as they get older the differences will be even more obvious, all I can say is they are very different, very different indeed and I love it!
Meredith at 5 months old eating for the first time...
I can not comment on the all about a boy paragraph, but I can completely agree on the girl. You described Sofia to a T!
I wonder if it is the difference between a boy and a girl or the first and second child? I have an older son (5) and a younger daughter (2 1/2). My older son sounds like your older daugher and my younger daughter sounds like your younger son. Interesting.
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