And by Nanny I don't mean the kind that comes and takes care of your kids while cooking and cleaning your house. Nope...although I wish that one would come to town too.
No the Nanny I am referring to is my children's godmother and Nanny is the word we call her. Nanny Lei Lei to be exact. Although if my sister decides to do some cooking and cleaning along with child rearing while she is here, have at it! Yep, she is in town visiting and we are rather excited. Since she is a busy 3rd year law student who got an internship this summer for the DA, we are pretty lucky to get a quick visit in.
This morning we gave her another good dose of birth control (trust me we have gave her several doses in the past 2 years.) She decided to venture into the wild and crazy world known as Mommy and Me. In an hour and a half she got to see a bunch of sugar crazed kids dancing and singing along with crying, screaming, hitting, having meltdowns and lots of other kid friendly activities.
Yep she got to play a day in the life of a stay at home mom. Previously she used to ask me...."is this what you do all day?" Yep it is....laundry, dishes, breakfast, dishes, laundry, naps, tummy time, snacks, playtime, lunch, naps and then it starts all over again the next day. I imagine it is quite different than her life of lectures, test, papers, happy hours, sleeping in, late nights of partying, and nice relaxing glasses of wine.
But really my sister and I have always been different....while I was always lazy in school and couldn't wait to finish....she always made straight A's and is still there. While I was always worried about things, she never really let things bother her and to anyone who knows us well....it is no secret that we have not always gotten along. Although she has always been a damn good sister. Now I am not saying that she NEVER gets on my nerves or I hers, because we would both be lying. But overall we are friends, and becoming better friends as we grow up.
Right now she gets to play the role of the fun Aunt. The one who comes to town and brings presents and lets them bend the rules....and I get to be the mean old mom. But a day will come where I get to be the fun Aunt too and I can't wait!!!
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