So that is where I have been. That and we have a house guest that we are trying not to strangle....I mean entertain. Yes my father-in-law is visiting since we did not make yet another trip to Memphis. I wasn't going to say anything, because I am fairly certain none of you would believe it, but I have a friend who can vouch for me since she heard me on the phone with the ENT's office calling in more meds for the ear infection that just won't go away. So once again we didn't make Memphis.....I know big surprise.
Yes the New Year arrived and I am starting off with a bang, in case you missed my big exciting New Years post listing my new year's resolution I will tell you, it was all about getting in shape. I am in the process of getting my house in shape. I hate clutter and thought we would start the year off with a bang, by going room to room, closet to closet and getting rid of shit. Josh has made a truck load to goodwill, another to the dump and there is another waiting to go to Goodwill tomorrow. And when I say truckload I mean truckload, we borrowed my dad's truck and filled up the bed an cab of the truck. Yes we still have lots more to get rid of too.
However tonight I am sitting down a little depressed and I have to say my excitement over this new cleansing process is being knocked out of me, because when I look around my house is still utterly a mess. I have a long way to go. I am about 2/3rds of the way through, but man does it look a bomb went off in here. The upstairs is finally starting to take shape though perhaps I should just camp out there for the next few days and let Josh finish the job. Yes it is a process and one that will hopefully be over by Sunday.
So while I get back to work or to bed so I can work again in the morning I thought I would leave you with a few of my favorite pictures from Christmas. I mean with two sick kids, an emergency room trip and countless calls and visits to the ENT there really is no reason it has taken me this long to get the dag gum pictures up right? So here are a few of my favorites and maybe I will post more if I can ever fine my computer again.
Christmas Eve at Mimi's....look at me rocking my skinny jeans.
Sweet tea vodka, thanks Carrie for telling me about this stuff, it is great in lemonade. Me and my dad had a few.
I swear we did not give Noah any. He was toking it up on chicken salad sandwiches. My boy likes to eat, just like his sister.
They even got to hang out with cousin Lily, awe we missed Lily
Then we went home to set out cookies for Santa and that is when all hell broke loose. Here is Noah taking a brief reprieve from screaming and thinking about passing out. I am guessing it is near 2am in this pic. Maybe later, who the hell knows, we did find time to find a camera and take a pic because Noah man I never wanted you to forget that you couldn't wait until morning to see your loot on your 2nd Christmas.
And the loot, yes there was plenty of loot. Either my kids were very good this year or Santa felt really sorry for all the screaming going on my house that night due to an ear infection. Either way my kids and I are truly blessed.
And in true Meredith fashion, she woke up and there was a shit load of toys and all she wanted to do was make sure we had gathered up all 100 of the $0.99 candy canes. That's my girl.
Then we made her rush to open a few gifts so we could rush bubby to the ER.
You can tell my little man felt like shit. We did pose him for a few pictures just to prove he was there. We then took him to the ER, where I almost strangled the doctor and came home with no meds, no diagnosis and nothing to help my screaming child. The rest of the day Josh and I took turns snuggling with my boy.
Later on that day, Noah was feeling a little better so him and his sister decided to put on their heels and kick up their feet. Notice the outfit change, his ear was oozing fluid and blood. Yes, it was doing that when the ER doctor told me there was nothing wrong with his ear. It took everything I had not to rip his head off. You can see the fluid on his left shoulder.
The shoes have inspired a whole new idea of accessorizing.

And that brings us full circle, me and my crap. I'll see you soon, hopefully with a much better view.
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