This past weekend, these wonderful ladies planned a weekend away/reunion for a small part of our family. Well the only part that typically gets together on any regular basis. I imagine a family reunion with my entire family would be a lot bigger and also fun.

This weekend was filled with lots of laughter, happy/funny tears, games, eating and drinking. As always eating and drinking are on our menu.
The kids enjoyed staying up late and playing with their cousins and family.
The big kids did too. And yes we all took baths that weekend at some point. Some more than others....I'm not naming any names.
We were also banned from using cell phones/texting/and facebook'ing. I was the first to lose that game and it was okay. Although I think I lost first for using profanity first.
Hmmm Charlie must have went out early with phone use too. We did enjoy the nightly bonfires and thankfully no one was set on fire.
A few people even enjoyed their naps.
We wore purple and gold of course.
We bobbed for apples.
And everyone scored one, well everyone that played scored one.
Lots of adult participation this weekend.
I think Chuck is a winner.
We celebrated lots of October birthdays and even a tiny person's November birthday.
We ate lots of cake and sweets.
We played all weekend.
And we all brought white shirts/sweaters and took silly pictures...per Laurie's request...without complaining I may add. Here are all the "kids".
And my sweet family.
And Timmy's sweet family
Chuck's sweet family.
And this cute couple.
Awesome...newlyweds...can you tell?
And Rock-n-Roll's family.
The guys
And Crazy old Barb.
At this point these little people were done, unfortunately thankfully Laurie was not.
Because if she had not been done, we would have missed this sweet shot!
And this one.
And one of my favorite pictures of the weekend. I love my children have so much family that loves them as much as I do. Family we can always depend on anytime we need them. It was a GREAT weekend. Lisa, Leigh and Lindsey we have a lot of planning to do. Love you all!
Oh and one more because they are dang cute! And because I had to buy them white shirts. White + kids 6 and under = disaster at my house.