Friday, June 26, 2009

Happy Friday

Oh internets, my days of blogging regularly seem to be long gone. I'm not going to apologize again or explain where I've been, because really it's just excuses after excuses. Right? But it isn't just blogging that is taking a back burner. I took that extensive week off because we went to the beach and while I have many things to blog about at the beach, like how much fun we had. It really wouldn't work without the pictures, but since they are still on the camera I guess that post ain't happening. Go here to check them out.

Then their is that fancy smancy remodel I kept moaning and groaning about. Yes, that too seems to have been left on the back burner. No, not by me. I am so ready for it to be completed, the man in charge of it, that is a different story.

This remodel has led to a massive headache that has lasted for well I don't know 2 months now. Would you even believe me if I tell you the damn thing is not finished? It's not. Close, but definitely not complete. I didn't forget about the pictures either. I will post them, but I just want it to be complete. Don't you? Hell maybe I will give up on completion and just post pictures anyway. What do you think?

And to answer your question, yes I am about to lose my mind of the never ending job that was quoted as taking 2-3 weeks max. Please don't make me curse on the blog again.

I also shut down Regrets Only Stationery for a month because I couldn't get one creative juice flowing when my house was covered in dust and invaded by men who smelled badly, left doors open for the paid for air to escape and left a bigger mess here then they would at their own momma's. But the men are gone apparently and the business is now up and running again. I have to say thanks to all my customers for showering me with orders the day I opened and the month continuing. I have to admit I was a little afraid I wouldn't get anymore business, but I am right where I left, busy.

Then their is the matter of children. We all know how busy being a mom can be, well a stay at home mom trying to navigate through a remodel, run a busy home based business and still make sure my kids don't miss out on one iota of summer fun is super busy. But I love the job what can I say?

Then you may wonder how I am blogging such a long post at 8am, well the tikes had a slumber party at their Mimi or Nanna's (as Noah has come to calling Mimi) house. Josh and I went out to begin the week long celebration of his 36th birthday. We went to dinner and a movie. We had two glasses of wine, an appetizer, meal and a dessert and for once I didn't have to threaten anyone with their life to stay in the chair or high chair. I also didn't have to do a massive clean up before leaving the restaurant and pick my mind up at the door.

I know what you are Josh is getting up there. We both are, last week at the beach I found my first grey hair. The shock and disappointment were unreal. I mean I am thirty for god's sake. Then yesterday I found another....what do I even do for this? I told you life has been rough internets.

Anyway that is where I am now, stuck in remodel hell of never being completed with grey hair. Happy Friday.

1 comment:

jennlagdavis said...

oh mandi -- don't fret over that which we can cover up with dye, or youth in a bottle, as I like to call it!!!!!! I have a patch where mine grown in and Mikey is quick to point them out to me by saying "ewwwwww"! gotta love those kiddos that turn your hair grey!