So this past weekend was our big "trip". All week long we told Meredith we were going on a "trip" this weekend and all week long we heard "trip momma, trip?.....M
izit cited!" I am not sure if she knew what a trip was or where we were going, but she was damn excited. And it was fun, but exhausting, and work and it showed us two things.....
1. kids are expensive
2. we are so ready for
Disney, as long as there is an immediate care
We headed out on our journey at 4:
oopm. By the time we loaded the car and went back in for things we
forgot and picked up fast food for dinner, it was 5pm when we actually got on interstate to head to the big city. It started out with me forgetting my makeup and only got progressively funnier as we went.
On the way into town I noticed Noah's eye was running, like he had a clogged tear duct. But he has never had a clogged duct, so I wasn't sure why it would clog so suddenly and where was all this goop coming from. Then I remembered that right before we left Meredith tried to put my sunglasses on Noah and poked him in the eye with the end of the glasses. In the hour and a half that it took us to get to Nola I had gone from the reasonable mom who handles situations with clarity and patience to a mom who was now panicked that her toddler had somehow damaged her babies eye and it was beyond repair and he could possibly lose his vision and into crisis mode. All rationality went out the window someplace around the East. So I called a friend back at home who happens to be an
opthamalogist and got his professional opinion on what it was and what I should do. I didn't wait for my husband's opinion, because that would have required me to be patient and calm for another 10 minutes until we got to the hotel for him to look. So this friend tells me he thinks it will be find, the eye is a pretty resilient muscle and he doubt that it was
anything to worry about. I threw that opinion out the window and continued to panic and diagnose him myself. When we parked I had my husband take a look and call our friend back, at that point I calmed down a little. I did have Josh call Noah's pediatrician in the morning as it was swollen shut at this point, but after Josh massaged it like my
opthamologist friend and the pediatrician said it was looking mush the end of the trip, Noah still had an eye and
appeared to be seeing just fine.
I know because he said he thought his crazy momma was beautiful.
Fast forward to check in....we give them a credit card, they give us a key.
We then put the key in the door only to find people in our room or I guess you can say we tried checking into another person's room. Technically it was the latter, but that is where the lady told us to go. The bellman just shook his head and said..."I don't like this one bit".
Yeah pal it isn't doing much for me right now either. And at that point, I wasn't entirely focused on the safety/security concern, but I was lugging around a 20lb sack of potatoes, while carrying a purse, diaper bag and toy bag and trying to tell my 2 year old to stick around and not go into any strangers rooms like her mommy and daddy were trying to do.
We then got a new room and a new floor and checked into our suite, which with 2
tikes was very sweet! Everything was great, Meredith loved the balcony and thought her new house was "cute momma! cute!" I thought it was okay, definitely not the Ritz, but not bad. Needless to say I didn't take my shoes off the whole time and tried to get the kids to stay on a blanket and not play on the floor.
forward to night one...
We went to one of our old haunts with the
tikes and had a trip down memory lane as we looked at our old selves. The carefree couple that was newly engaged. All the
LSU and
Tulane residents kicking back on a Friday night with a beer, the girls having a girls night and gossiping. Yes how times have changed. Meredith loved
Slice and loved
to people watch. Noah passed out in Josh's arms, but in a few years he will appreciate it too.
That night we got Noah to sleep in one bed and was going to put Meredith down in the other when we noticed the bed was wet. So Josh stripped the bed and realized that the sheets and blanket were wet, but the mattress was safe. Not sure if we spilled something or the sheets were just damp, but under no circumstances was I waking my baby to switch rooms or letting my other baby sleep on wet sheets....there was no telling what that was. So Josh called down to get new sheets to which he was told sure they would be right there and it "just wasn't our day was it".....I guess not.
The next morning we awoke bright and early and Josh headed down to buy a $5 crappy toothbrush, $4 sample of toothpaste and a $8 hair brush. Thankfully my mom would be dropping off my toiletry bag later that day, but for now, this no name expensive shit would do.
We then headed out to the
Louisiana children's museum and then immediate care. We thought that Meredith might have broken her wrist, but after a $125 consultation we learned it was only bruised and she really just wanted a sucker. Too bad the immediate care only had stickers.
That night we visited with some family and friends at a fiesta!
Then on Sunday we awoke early to celebrate Josh's birthday with
beignets at the one and only
Cafe Du Monde and a free ferry ride! After our trip to immediate care, we couldn't afford the
natchez. No seriously why pay for an hour ride when the ferry is 10
mintues and free. Right up a toddler and mommy of a toddler's alley! I was then attacked by something that bit the shit out of me all over my legs. I changed shorts in the parking lot in the quarter....hey it was New Orleans....changing in public is totally okay. Still haven't figured out what bit me and why it only bit me, but Josh saw the welts all over my legs. Perhaps it was my hotel room phobia appearing all over. We then grabbed a little sushi for lunch and headed home. It was fun...we will do it again .....soon.