Introducing the newest memeber of our family Noah Elliott! Noah arrived into this world Monday November 19, 2007 at 9:53am! He was 7lbs 13oz and 20 1/2 inches long. ( a big boy compared to his sister!) He was born via c-section and I must say that went much better this time around! He is a beatiful baby and we are so excited he is here!
Meredith is adjusting well, it definitely wasn't love at 1st, 2nd or 3rd sight! She is doing much better now and has even held her baby brother. She has started calling him bubby! I will try so start blogging again after my little hiatus and keep you posted on what it is like to be the mom of 2 tikes under 2. I must say it is already harder than I imagined. I am sure as we settle down and get into a "new" routine, things will get better!
soooo precious!!! I can't wait to come over and see Noah again. You were "out" when I came and visited but I got to hold him and he is just the sweetest little thing! Glad to know you are home. Will be by next week! Happy Thanksgiving!
Congrats, Mandi!!! He's so cute. Love his "Noah" onesie. Get some good rest and don't overdo things.
He is adorable. Can't wait to meet him!!!
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