Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Playdates for who??

So today Meredith and Noah had a playdate with some NEW friends, Marion and David. They are roughly the same ages as my 2 tikes. See another mom who has lost her mind and is braving the world of 2 tikes under 2!

The playdate was fun, Noah and David hung out in the swing and infant seat. I think they discussed politics and how to fix the economy, nothing major. Meredith and Marion did a little cooking, played with some balloons and other toys in the toy room.

Their mom, Olivia and I discussed scheduling more playdates! Why? Because we NEED them! So that brings the question of "who are the playdates for, the mom or the tikes?" Both, kids need social interaction to develop those social skills, but moms need the adult interaction too. I loved our playdate and now we are going to make it a weekly thing. That and who else is Meredith going to play with on the gorilla of a swing set that is being built in our backyard!

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