Tuesday, April 21, 2009

We are officially country now

Today at witching hour, I decided to do something different from our normal drive way play. You see at 4pm everyday (or witching hour) I go outside and lift all three garage doors, pull out my lawn chair and let the tikes drive their various bikes, scooters and power wheels. Yes, we have enough to invite the entire neighborhood over and every child ride on something....it is obnoxious. We normally sit out there until Josh pulls up and relieves me.

Today though I took a walk on the wild side and proved just what living in Mississippi for 3 and a half years can do to you. I left the ride on toys in the garage, stripped the tikes down to their diaper and panties, turned on the faucet that sticks out of the side of the house and shoots water onto the driveway and called it a sprinkler.

At first both tikes looked at me like I had lost it. This is not something I normally do. I am one of those moms that thinks you shouldn't get wet if it is too cool or the water is too cool, because that makes you sick and all that. But then I thought, hell we are sick all the time anyway let's just cut loose. Noah wasted no time on taking advantage of this very unusual situation, he jumped right in and my very cautious Meredith followed suit.

And for those of you that know me, don't just assume I have lost it, I think this decision was based on the fact that I wrote a fat check today as the first installment for our major renovation, that or I am losing it.....I mean it was sort of chilly today and the water was frigid and no one in our neighborhood plays in the faucet that the hose normally attaches to, to wash a car. I had a red-neck sprinkler and it didn't cost me a dime.

But trust me it gets better. Josh was home and we were sitting in the lawn chairs watching our kids have the time off their life when Meredith informed us she had to potty. She was soaked, her panties were soaked, her hair and her naked little body. It was chilly inside and so I told her just pull down her pants and go squat in the grass in the front yard and make quick tinkles. Then she truly looked at me like I had lost it. Perhaps she knew this behavior was against the neighborhood covenants. Julia, I promise this doesn't happen in this neighborhood often. So my little rule followerer was not very sure.....

"What momma? I no tinkle in da grass! I NEED A POTTY"

So I explained that it was okay in certain situations and this was one of them. Later on I will also explain the whole Mardi Gras thing as well. So she did as she was told and walked over, squatted and tinkled then she asked how she should wipe. I told her to just go rinse off in the water and she did. I wonder what that implies about my mothering skills? Oh well, it saved us from drying off to go inside in the cool house to tinkle....what the hell right?


Blair said...

Welcome to the dark side! I cannot tell you the amount of times my kids have played naked in the sprinkler....when the water is freezing!

Hey, it keeps them happy and occupied. I am all for it!!

Shannon said...

That's too funny, Mandi! Coincidentally, the other day I was inside cooking dinner while Anh was outside playing with the boys. I glanced out the window to check out the fun & saw Jax peeing on one of our bushes. That's not the fun I thought I was going to see!