Monday, August 6, 2012

It's been a while...

I guess I unintentionally took another summer off.  Blogging has been one of those things that I have not wanted to do.  The thought of even logging into Blogger has scared me.  Seriously.  I've been overwhelmed, between my dad being in the hospital, trying to sell the house, selling the house, un-selling the house and now trying to re-sell the house.  Yeah I guess you get it.  But I want to record as much as my kids life growing up as I can and how I coped and handled it all.  Let's just say I've been swamped. So I'm back and I'm going to do my best, to blog every week day.  Especially since I now, well as of Wednesday, will have 2 in school full time and one that still naps!  FREE time!  I have no clue what I will do with it.  Woohoo!  I'm also going to go and back-blog a little.  Try and at least hit highlights, like birthdays, anniversaries and the vacations.  We shall see!

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